Recovery is a marathon, not a sprint.


I’m not a substance abuse counselor, psychologist, or medical doctor. I’m not a fitness expert, personal trainer, or physical therapist. I am just a guy in recovery who figured out that fitness can be a tool to a happier, healthier, substance-free life.

Honestly, if I hadn’t found running early on in my recovery, I’m not sure I would be sober today. It was hard at first. I started out slow and unsteady on my feet. At times, I wondered if I’d ever make it past the first mile. But it didn’t take long before I began to see and feel the differences in my body and my mind. Along the 26.2 mile journey of becoming a marathon runner, I have learned valuable coping mechanisms, repaired years of damage to my body, and built lasting relationships.

As I began to open up and share my story, I was overwhelmed with the support I received. I was also surprised at the number of people with similar stories. For that reason, I believe that fitness is an underutilized tool in recovery. So, I’ve made it my mission to tell the world.

After all, recovery is a marathon, not a sprint.

Question or Comments, please send us a message…

I am always interested in hearing stories from fellow addicts in recovery who have made fitness a lifestyle. I am also happy to share more of my experience with anyone who might need help getting started with a fitness in recovery plan.